رسالت انقلابی

ن وَالْقَلَمِ وَمَا یَسْطُرُونَ

رسالت انقلابی

ن وَالْقَلَمِ وَمَا یَسْطُرُونَ

رسالت انقلابی
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
راه مقابله با جنگ نرم دشمن وابزارهای همچون ماهواره و رسانه های تبلیغاتی دشمن فقط و فقط تحلیل و روشنگری هدف های شوم این ابزار هاست .
ما باید از این ابزار های ارتباطی به نحو احسن استفاده کنیم برای ترویج دین مبین اسلام در سرتاسر جهان که وبلاگ یکی از این ابزار می باشد که میتوان به راحتی حرف اسلام را نشر داد .
هرکس در هرجایگاهی که هست رسالتی دارد که باید به آن رسالت عمل کند .
امام خامنه ای :
ای سید و مولای ما پیش خدای متعال گواهی بده که ما در راه اسلام تا آخرین نفس ایستاده ایم...

پیام های کوتاه
Weekly Saying
" And those who annoy the believing men and the believing women undeservedly, they indeed bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin."
(The Holy Quran, 33:58)

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Boycott Israel Campaign

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۱ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «Imperialism» ثبت شده است


In the eyes of US government and the alike arrogants, there is no one as abhorred as the brightening figure and luminous sunlight of the honorable Imam. They respected him but were his enemies at their hearts, because he resisted, because with his two unique characteristics of “full insight” and “thorough determination”- he observed well and understood properly, he would firmly resist- he was a barrier against their progress and their harms, beats and bites; thus they were his enemies. Of course we said that, they respected him, they realized his greatness; but the greater, the more abhorred; It’s the same today; anyone who is steadfast to principal and main values, that is, one who is steadfast to the values that define the political identity of the revolution- i.e. not to oppress and not to be oppressed-and understands that the list of problems created by the enemies of the Islamic government are placed within this framework- anyone who possess such vision and resistance on this path- would be equally detested.

The Leader of Islamic Ummah and Oppressed People Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, 17/09/2013

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