رسالت انقلابی

ن وَالْقَلَمِ وَمَا یَسْطُرُونَ

رسالت انقلابی

ن وَالْقَلَمِ وَمَا یَسْطُرُونَ

رسالت انقلابی
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
راه مقابله با جنگ نرم دشمن وابزارهای همچون ماهواره و رسانه های تبلیغاتی دشمن فقط و فقط تحلیل و روشنگری هدف های شوم این ابزار هاست .
ما باید از این ابزار های ارتباطی به نحو احسن استفاده کنیم برای ترویج دین مبین اسلام در سرتاسر جهان که وبلاگ یکی از این ابزار می باشد که میتوان به راحتی حرف اسلام را نشر داد .
هرکس در هرجایگاهی که هست رسالتی دارد که باید به آن رسالت عمل کند .
امام خامنه ای :
ای سید و مولای ما پیش خدای متعال گواهی بده که ما در راه اسلام تا آخرین نفس ایستاده ایم...

پیام های کوتاه
Weekly Saying
" And those who annoy the believing men and the believing women undeservedly, they indeed bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin."
(The Holy Quran, 33:58)

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One of our reason is:
In an Islamic society, men and women enjoy sufficient freedom. Islamic works which exist in this regard and the equal social duties which Islam has assigned to men and women bear testimony to this fact. Prophet Muhammad (s.w.a) said: “One who spends a night without caring about the affairs of Muslims is not a Muslim.” What the Holy Prophet (s.w.a) said is not limited to men only. Women should also feel responsible towards the affairs of Muslims, the Islamic society, the world of Islam, and everything that happens in the world. This is an Islamic duty. Hazrat Fatimah (s.a) was present in all the events which happened in Medina – which was the center of all political and social events of that time – after the Holy Prophet (s.w.a) immigrated from Mecca to Medina. This is a model for women to follow and is indicative of the role of women in an Islamic system.
According to an ayah 35 in Sura Al-Ahzab, men and women are equal in regard to being faithful, obeying God, being humble and truthful, fasting, being patient, guarding their morality, and remembering God. Women’s activities in society are completely appropriate and acceptable. They should be active in society by observing Islamic limits. Women constitute half of society’s work force. When both men and women are educated, the number of society’s educated people will be doubled compared to when only men are educated. When women are also involved in teaching professions, the number of teachers will be doubled in society. There is no difference between men and women with regard to construction and economic activities and in planning the affairs of a country, city, village, group, or family. Everyone is responsible and should play a role in these fields.

Fatima Zahra (s.a) is the model for us,a woman that her father used to say, "May your father sacrifice his life upon you"

PS: distinguished family of her:
Father: Holy Prophet of Islam (saws)
Husband: Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as)
Sons: Imam Hassan(as) & Imam Hussain (as)
Daughters: Syeda Zainab & Syeda Umkulthum
Mother: Khadijatul Kubra (as)
Grandson: Imam Zainul Abideen(as)
Father in law: Abu Talib





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