رسالت انقلابی

ن وَالْقَلَمِ وَمَا یَسْطُرُونَ

رسالت انقلابی

ن وَالْقَلَمِ وَمَا یَسْطُرُونَ

رسالت انقلابی
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
راه مقابله با جنگ نرم دشمن وابزارهای همچون ماهواره و رسانه های تبلیغاتی دشمن فقط و فقط تحلیل و روشنگری هدف های شوم این ابزار هاست .
ما باید از این ابزار های ارتباطی به نحو احسن استفاده کنیم برای ترویج دین مبین اسلام در سرتاسر جهان که وبلاگ یکی از این ابزار می باشد که میتوان به راحتی حرف اسلام را نشر داد .
هرکس در هرجایگاهی که هست رسالتی دارد که باید به آن رسالت عمل کند .
امام خامنه ای :
ای سید و مولای ما پیش خدای متعال گواهی بده که ما در راه اسلام تا آخرین نفس ایستاده ایم...

پیام های کوتاه
Weekly Saying
" And those who annoy the believing men and the believing women undeservedly, they indeed bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin."
(The Holy Quran, 33:58)

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Boycott Israel Campaign

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۱۸ مطلب با موضوع «جهان اسلام» ثبت شده است

دیدار رئیس‌جمهوری ترکیه با رهبر انقلاب

حضرت آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای رهبر انقلاب اسلامی عصر امروز (سه‌شنبه) در دیدار آقای رجب طیب اردوغان رئیس‌جمهوری ترکیه، تحول عظیم «بیداری عمومی اسلامی» را علت اصلی نگرانی دشمنان اسلام خواندند و با اشاره به طراحی‌های متقابل دشمنان برای مواجهه با این حادثه بزرگ، تأکید کردند: امروز آمریکا و صهیونیست‌ها از اختلافات داخلی برخی کشورهای اسلامی خوشحال هستند و راه حل این مشکلات، همکاری کشورهای اسلامی و انجام اقدامات عملی مناسب و سازنده است.
حضرت آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای در این دیدار با اشاره به منافع و مصالح مشترک ایران و ترکیه از تقویت روابط، خاطرنشان کردند: قدرت هر یک از کشورهای مسلمان در دنیای اسلام، در واقع قدرت امت اسلامی است و سیاست کلی جمهوری اسلامی ایران این است که کشورهای اسلامی یکدیگر را تقویت و از تضعیف هم خودداری کنند، و تقویت روابط ایران و ترکیه نیز به تحقق همین هدف کمک می‌کند.
رهبر انقلاب افزودند: تأکید همیشگی ما این است که کشورهای اسلامی از اعتماد به غرب و آمریکا بهره‌ای نمی‌برند، و امروز نیز همه به روشنی، نتیجه اقدامات غرب در منطقه را که به ضرر اسلام و منطقه است، می‌بینند.
ایشان با اشاره به تحولات برخی کشورهای منطقه و فعالیت‌های وحشیانه گروه‌های تروریستی در عراق و سوریه، گفتند: اگر کسی دست پنهان دشمن را در این قضایا نبیند، خود را فریب داده است.
۱ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۹ فروردين ۹۴ ، ۱۲:۴۰

خط قرمز های کشور که نباید در مذاکرات هسته ای رد می شدند ! رد شدند ! پیروی از ولایت یعنی این ؟ شما مذاکرات کنندگان کدام حرف آقا را عمل کردید ؟خط قرمز

کدام دستاوردی را بدست آورده اید که اینگونه خوشحال هستید و سیر تبریک های هست که به جانب شما روانه است ؟ 

بله بنده هم تبریک میگوییم بخاطر امتیاز های که دادید و چیزی بدست نیاورده اید !

قرار بر این بود که توافقی دو مرحله‌ای صورت نگیرد که اکنون انجام گرفته است.

۰ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۱۷ فروردين ۹۴ ، ۱۶:۲۸

Israel and Saudi Arabia are rogue states writ large. They’re two of the world’s worst. They deplore democratic values. They spurn rule of law principles.

They commit horrendous human and civil rights abuses. They’re responsible for daily crimes against humanity.

They partner with Washington’s imperial wars. They’re an odd couple. They’re strange bedfellows. Perhaps they’re joining forces. Formal relations aren’t maintained. Back channel secret ones substitute.

On October 2, Israel’s Channel 2 TV news said senior Israeli security officials met with a high-level Gulf state counterpart. They did so in Jerusalem.

The Arab official’s name wasn’t mentioned. It’s believed to be Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan. Representing his government, he’s very much involved in Washington’s war on Syria. So is Israel.

Bandar’s visit broke a decades long taboo. It marks the first known time a Saudi official visited Israel. It’s believed no others did so earlier.

۶ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۲ مهر ۹۲ ، ۱۱:۲۴


Supreme Leader’s Speech in Meeting with Hajj Officials

The following is the full text of the speech delivered on September 11, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with officials in charge of hajj affairs.

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful‌

First of all, I would like to welcome all the dear brothers and sisters and the glorious officials who render many services in one of the outstanding arenas of the Islamic community – that is to say, the arena of hajj and visiting the House of God and the enlightened city of Madina. I hope that you will benefit from this great achievement in the hereafter. I hope that your actions and efforts in this auspicious arena will be so sincere that your performance sheet in the hereafter shines, like the sun, with the light of purity and sincerity. I express my gratitude to the honorable gentlemen for the efforts that they have made in the arena of hajj. The things that they have done – whether in cultural, spiritual, moral and educational areas or in practical and organizational areas – should really be appreciated.

۲ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۲۲ مهر ۹۲ ، ۱۱:۱۹

Millions of pounds given to Syrian refugee charities is 'being used to fund terrorism'

Millions of pounds donated to help Syrian refugees caught up in the bloody civil war is being used to fund terrorism, the charity watchdog believes.

The Charity Commission said cash ‘undoubtedly’ ends up in the hands of extremist groups, while the Disasters Emergency Committee said it could not guarantee that some of the £20million it has raised has not bankrolled jihadists.

۰ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۷ مهر ۹۲ ، ۰۰:۲۳

Tsatan_hajjhis year, the mandatory Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, or hajj, will compound the Palestinians’ woes. Palestinian pilgrims will be greeted by a company that assists in their repression – and even torture – under the Israeli occupation regime. Stoning the satan in Hajj

Indeed, hajj this year will be brought to you by none other than G4S.
This is not the first time that the Saudi government has hired the private security firm, which has recruited a staggering 700,000 to provide hajj-related services this year, according to exclusive information obtained by Al-Akhbar.

۰ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۷ مهر ۹۲ ، ۰۰:۱۸


۰ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۷ مهر ۹۲ ، ۰۰:۱۱

America__s_Attack_Dog_by_azlanmclennanIsrael has been armed and funded by the United States over the past sixty years and is playing the role of “the attack dog” in the Middle East,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu headed to the US soon after a trip to New York by an Iranian delegation headed by President Hassan Rouhani and his address before the UN that many in the West hailed as a first step to a possible resolution to the nuclear standoff.

Netanyahu met with US President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday and one day later went to New York and told the UN General Assembly that Israel is ready to act alone against Iran. “If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”

And Netanyahu showed again that ‘Israel is America’s attack dog in Middle East

۰ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۴ مهر ۹۲ ، ۰۰:۰۰

Name: Mahmoud AkhlaghiMartyr Mahmoud Akhlaghi

Date of Birth: 1956

Place of Birth: Semnan

Marital Status: Married (Father of 2 children)

Date of Martyrdom: July 29, 1988

Martyr Mahmoud Akhlaghi was born in 1956 in a religious family in Semnan. He finished his primary and secondary school and entered the University of Semnan.

He started his anti-Shah struggles while he was a young student and organized people for participating in the protest rallies and played an important role in the victory of the Islamic Revolution in the region. When Reza Shah was unseated by the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Akhlaghi got married and had 2 children, one son and a daughter. He also joined the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and attended the war fronts during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran.

Finally, he was assassinated by members of Mujahedin-e Khalq organization (MKO, a.k.a. MEK and NCRI) in Mersad Operation.

۱ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۲ مهر ۹۲ ، ۰۰:۴۰

Is this Why the Zionist and Islamic-faced Puppets delayed Syria War?

۰ comments موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۲ مهر ۹۲ ، ۰۰:۲۹

Human rights watchdog Amnesty International has criticized a Bahraini court decision to jail 50 Shia activists for up to 15 years in a mass show trial, calling the verdict "appalling".


"It’s appalling what passes for ‘justice’ today in Bahrain," Amnesty International Middle East and North Africa director Philip Luther said on Monday. The court sentenced the activists on Sunday, including a prominent Shia Iraqi cleric who was sentenced for forming a secret opposition group.

The activists were charged with allegedly organizing the ‘February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition’ and trying to topple the country’s constitutional monarchy by organizing bombings and inciting anti-government rallies.

۲ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۱۰ مهر ۹۲ ، ۰۲:۰۲

The boycott of Israeli products and companies supporting Israel is a peaceful means of putting international pressure on apartheid Israel and follows in the footsteps of the successful boycott against South African apartheid. Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today!

۰ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۸ مهر ۹۲ ، ۲۲:۵۶

Voice of Zionism the BBC and Al- Jazeera bombing Syria

۰ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۸ مهر ۹۲ ، ۰۰:۳۸

While heads of Arab states in the Middle East were gearing up to back US limited military strike on Syria, Russian President’s managed the crisis by an arms deal and made them disappointed.

۱ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۵ مهر ۹۲ ، ۱۴:۰۳

People have taken to the streets of Bahrain to show their solidarity with political activists jailed by the Al Khalifa regime.


The protesters staged demonstrations in several cities as they were chanting anti-regime slogans and carrying photos of their leaders on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Interior Ministry's watchdog announced that the Persian Gulf country’s main prison has become overcrowded.

۰ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۵ مهر ۹۲ ، ۱۳:۲۶
Jews protest in solidarity with Iran in front of UN office
Jews protest in solidarity with Iran in front of UN office
American Jews protested in solidarity with Iran position against Israel and in solidarity with Palestine, in front of the UN office.
۰ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۵ مهر ۹۲ ، ۱۳:۰۴
Israel Must be Destroyed
The Syrian army destroyed armed rebels' military positions in Southern Syria on Wednesday, killing tens of militants, including a notorious terrorist leader.
۰ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۳ مهر ۹۲ ، ۱۶:۲۵

According to Syrian Truth’s Facebook page, the above photo is of a toddler living in the Deir ez-Zor Governate in eastern Syria, bordering Iraq. She was tied up by members of the U.S.-supported “Free Syrian Army” — which is dominated by foreigners and made to watch as her mother and father were killed for being Shia. Here is how the Obama administration is using your tax dollars — mockingly in the name of “freedom.”

۰ comments موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۲ مهر ۹۲ ، ۲۲:۱۵